Monday, February 24, 2014

Incredibulls Series: Fifty

The second Incredibull in my series is Fifty.
There is no shortage of incredible about Fifty. Unjustly shot as a young pup, he lost both legs on his right side.  He runs around on two legs like the best of them though - there's no slowing down Fifty. You can check him out on his Facebook and on instagram. There are some videos of him running around that are amazing to see. 
His momma is equally incredible. She spends a ton of time with Fifty disproving the bad stereotypes about pitbulls and championing shelter and rescue dogs. Recently she and Rude Dog's momma started something called Six Legs Foundation,  to provide financial aid for those dog owners in need as a means to keep families together and dogs out of shelters. I am in serious awe of them both. 

Incredibulls Series: Handsome Dan

Incredibulls series: Handsome Dan

Introducing my new series, the Incredibulls.  I wanted to draw some of my favorite pitbull type dogs, ones who have overcome odds, done awesome things,  and are just plain adorable.

The first dog in my series is  Handsome Dan of Handsome Dan's Rescue for Pitbull Type Dogs.  He was one of the Vicktory Dogs, saved from Michael Vicks fighting operation,  rehabilitated by Best Friends Animal Society and adopted by his kickass parents who run a rescue for pitbulls. They also help local shelters develop and run programs to improve the lives of the dogs inside and increase their adoptability. Handsome Dan is a, well, a handsome, brave boy who came out of a shitty situation and keeps shining.